Saturday, December 22, 2007

Gilligan I Ain't

Okay, so it wasn't a three-hour tour. It was more like two hours. But it was a lot of fun. I went sailing on a racing yacht, NZL 41, that actually competed in the America's Cup. It wasn't merely a sightseeing tour--we were put to work on the grinders to raise and trim the sails, and I also conned the boat for a while. Weather was a balmy 75 degrees, sunny and windy. Perfect sailing weather. That's Auckland in the background of the last photo. That's me, slathered in SPF 55, and an SPF 1,000,000 USMC boonie cover to protect my ears and neck. Isn't my hat great?

1 comment:

m/d said...

Got your vm and left you one as well as anemail. Just thought to look at your blog. Great pix and great reading. Keep it up and we will keep on reading. Have fun! Enjoy yourself! m/d