Tuesday, December 25, 2007

You Can Drink, So Long as You Eat

Pretty much everything in Christchurch is closed on Christmas--which had me worried, since you know I am fond of saying that food and I go way back. Luckily, brunch was taken care of due to the generosity and hospitality of several Kiwis in Mt. Pleasant. However, dinner was another matter, since everything is closed for the day. Generally speaking, pubs are shuttered as well...unless they serve food. By law, on Christmas, pubs are only allowed to open and serve alcohol so long as, and I'm paraphrasing here, "there is an intent of the patron to eat in addition to drink." So, the local English pub in the center of town was open, serving an amazing English-style Christmas dinner with all the trimmings. There was the choice of turkey or roast beef with Yorkshire pudding. I had the turkey, and it was fantastic. Here's a picture.

Note the roasted parsnips, fresh cranberry sauce and the sausages wrapped in bacon (which I gave to my friend John). Why wrap sausages in bacon? Because everything is better wrapped in bacon. This last picture is of John and his fiancee, Sarah, who arrived on Christmas Eve.


ferdi7308 said...

OK - is your mysterious friend John an alter ego that you have made up to enjoy pork products (had any prawns yet, John?) We won't give your secret away.

Eliott said...

No...just another guy traveling on the same fare deal as me who happened to be on my flight. And for the record, I love prawns.